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What do you do when you go through hard times? Do you feel like curling up in a ball and giving up because Satan makes you feel and think that there is no other option? Or do you get on your knees and pray for a way out of, through, or around the obstacle that is placed in your path? When you are going through something that seems impossible to get through, you can remember that God didn't give you this obstacle to break you down and make you crumble under the unwanted pressure. Rather, He let the obstacle be put in your path to strengthen your reliance on Him. He wants you to come to Him every time something comes up in your path. You have every opportunity every day to call on Him for help. But Satan wants you to constantly think that your life is falling apart. Your life isn’t falling apart, it’s falling into place.  Satan can make it feel like it’s impossible to trust God in hard times. But it’s during those times that you can run to God and cling to Jesus. You can make the conscious choice to let hard times in your life bring you closer to God, not push you farther away from Him.

Instead of giving into the despair that Satan puts in your head and heart and giving into the negative thoughts of, "I can't do this", "I'm not strong enough or smart enough to handle this", "this obstacle is way over my head and I'll never get through this”, start saying positive affirmations from God about and over your life every day. Start declaring that you are His precious child and that you literally "can do all things through Him who gives you strength." (Philippians 4:13.) There is absolutely nothing that you can’t get through with God helping you.

He wants you to be able to say with confidence in your heart, "I am more than capable, more than a conqueror. I can get through anything with God at my side.”  Every day you can fight your battles with prayer. You can make a habit of praying every day. Prayer can work miracles in your life. You can start every day with a prayer such as: “Lord, I trust you. Even though I don't understand your plan, I know that you are working all things out for your glory and for my good. Thank you for putting these obstacles in front of me and for helping me become stronger because of them. Help me to not crumble under the pressure of this life and help me to enjoy each day fully as it comes along with its challenges. Thank you for always being right in the middle of every challenge with me and for giving me a way out of it, even when I can't see it in the moment. Help me to trust you more and more every day. In Jesus name Amen.”

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