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Knowing God’s Will

Knowing God’s Will

We often pray “Lord, let Your will be done.”  As Christian women, when making life decisions or in pursuing our dreams we want to make sure that it’s His will that prevails. 

But with all life’s possibilities and options, how can we really know what’s God’s will and what’s not?

If you are in the midst of making decisions and you are seeking God’s will, here are some things to think about...

Our God can be Known

Our God can be Known

Does this ever happen to you? You thought you already knew someone but then as your relationship gets deeper and you get to know them even more...
Waiting On God's Timing

Trusting God's Timing

If we’re being honest, we’d say that waiting on God is not an easy thing to do. We may know intellectually that He is doing something, but in the midst of waiting, we can grow impatient and even doubtful about the outcome of our situation. We may doubt that God is on the throne and He reigns...both now and for eternity.

When we are waiting for the answer to our prayers,

When we are waiting for God’s healing,

When we are waiting for His provision,

When we are waiting for the bad situation to turn out for our good…

Those times are when we are most vulnerable to the enemy’s destructive lies.

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The Waves of Life

The Waves of Life

Most of us have been to the beach, playing in the waves and had the harrowing experience of being pulled under water by a crashing wave. The wave that smashes you to the sand, under the water, tossing you until you don’t know which way is up or down. You hold your breath convinced that the breath you took before being pulled under was likely your last. When you finally emerge from this fierce battle you are gasping for air, sand mixed in with every fiber of your being and completely disoriented.